Self Care Tips for Quarantine Life

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Self care quarantine ideas. Create a healthy routine at home and still be productive. How to be positive and happy during corona virus quarantine. What to do at home when bored. Productive things to do when bored. Hobby ideas to fill your time. Pers…

I honestly think now more than ever we really need to focus on self care and mental healthy and happiness.

Honestly, self care has never been more important than it is right now.

The world today is so much different than it was a couple of weeks ago. Our day to day routines have been completely changed. We are all now self quarantined, working from home, teaching out children, and not being able to get out too much. It is overwhelming. Many people are stressed and many people are incredibly anxious over the entire situation.

So, today I thought it would be good just to chat about self care during this crazy time in our lives. We are all in this together and we need to take care of each other and ourselves.

This will be my second post on this whole quarantine deal. If you are struggling with being productive and happy, check out my post all about exactly that:

Daily Quarantine Routine For Productivity and Happiness.

Alright, now lets get into it.

Self Care Tips for Quarantine Life

Stay in touch with your loved ones

This is such a big one to me since family is so incredibly important. Since we can’t see our loved ones we really need to make an effort to stay in touch with them.

During this quarantine life, we need to get creative. It is so easy for us to connect anymore with facetime, social media, the new marco polo app! I mean there are plenty of ways to be able to see your people without having to be in the same room. Now, it really isn’t the same as being able to give your mom and dad a big ole hug, but it is better than nothing!

Last night for the first time during this quarantine my sisters and my mom all decided to have a happy hour call! Let me tell you, it was so freaking fun and so good for my soul. To be able to hear us all chatting, laughing, and just having a good time was exactly what I needed.

Move your body

This really isn’t for your physical self, this is for your mental self. With all the change that is happening we need to do everything possible to keep our minds positive.

When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins. These endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain. Endorphins also trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine.

Quote from:

I have found this to be a really important part of my day during quarantine. Most days I really don’t feel like exercising either. Like…. I normally really don’t want to, but the more you do it the easier it gets and you never regret it. You only regret when you don’t do it.

The awesome thing for me is that all my workouts are in my home. My living room is my gym which makes it so awesome to stay on track! If you are interested in joining me, looking for a new fitness routine, or needing an accountability partner make sure to shoot me a message via my virtual wellness studio!

One thing that I love to do to make working out better is to have nice workout clothes. Clothes that I feel amazing in. I know that might sound uber silly but it is so true. It makes you actually want to change into the clothes and then once you are in them… well you might as well workout lol.

I get a ton of my workout clothes from REI, Dicks sporting goods, or Backcountry

Get outside, get some sun, and fresh air

This might just be my number 1 tip. Now that we are inside all day long, we have to make an effort to step outside. It is too easy to just sit in your house all day and not place one foot outside for days on end. Your mind and body needs fresh air and sunshine. You need nature. It is going to really put you in a good mood.

Now, do this however you are able to. Go sit in your yard, on your patio, or out on your deck. If you are in a city and can’t get much outside time, open up your windows and sit in the sun that shines through.

Being in nature, or even viewing scenes of nature, reduces anger, fear, and stress and increases pleasant feelings. Exposure to nature not only makes you feel better emotionally, it contributes to your physical well being, reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones.

This is a proven fact. I am not just saying these things to say them. Even UC Berkley explains:

Nature makes you “feel more alive” Being outdoors gives us energy, makes us happier, helps us to relieve the everyday stresses of our overscheduled lives, opens the door to creativity, and helps us to be kind to others.

So get your pretty little self outside and soak up some fresh air. Go stand in the grass or the dirt. Go sit it the sun. Just make an effort every single day to get at least a few solid minutes of nature time.

Make sure to do one thing that you love everyday

It is easy to forget to do the things that we love. Especially if you are working from home. You might find yourself doing just that… constantly working. So, set some time out of your day to do something that you absolutely love to do. Here are some ideas:

  • Do something crafty

  • Read a good book

  • Write in your journal

  • Read your bible

  • Bake something yummy

  • Play a game with your loved ones. Here are some of my favorite games:


If there is one thing to help you get sad it is mindlessly scrolling social media. You will start comparing yourself to other people and that is never a good path. It is super easy to just sit on social media and scroll away. I mean, now that we are at home it seems easier than ever!

I personally have an incredibly hard time with unplugging. I have 3 sisters, my mom, and 10 nieces and nephews to talk to. I also have 4 websites that I run all from my phone and my computer. I have a REALLY hard time not constantly checking everything. My social media feed, my DM’s, my emails, the text messages, my phone calls…. literally everything.

We are seriously overstimulating ourselves on a regular basis. This causes us to feel exhausted and can create an unhappy mind.

Make an effort to unplug everyday. It is best to put your phone down at night at least two hours before bed. This way your mind can calm down, your eyes can settle and relax from all the blue light you have been feeding them, and you can begin to get ready for bed.


Take a bath, read a book, unwind! Let your mind settle. You can do some Yoga, some stretching…. anything to relax your mind. I personally love lighting a candle, putting on some beautiful calming music and taking a bath. For me, this really helps not only my body but my mind relax as well.

There you have it! Self Care Tips for Quarantine Life

How are you doing during this crazy time? Are you feeling ok? Are you loving it? Hating it? What are you struggling with? Tell me all the things by leaving a comment below.

Also, if you have any tips for self care during this pandemic please please leave a comment below. I would love to hear your thoughts. This is a community to help each other!

Wishing you nothing but happiness!
