Daily Quarantine Routine for Productivity and Happiness

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Daily Quarantine Routine for Productivity and Happiness by Bessie Roaming a Lifestyle Blog - Self care quarantine ideas. Create a healthy routine at home and still be productive. How to be positive and happy during corona virus quarantine. What to d…

Man oh man have things changed within the last couple of weeks. Everyone being asked to self quarantine and only go outside for essential items like food or emergencies. It was said that this was going to last until the end of March which was about 2-3 weeks depending on where you are located, I am in California. Well, we just got the news that this is going to last until May 1st.

At first, having it only be a couple weeks, I didn’t think much of it. My routine was shot to shit, I wasn’t getting anything done, I was tired, I was wearing my yoga pants every day, and definitely sporting that messy bun life. I wasn’t worried about it either. I was letting myself deal with the situation, take a moment to breath, and just be ok with the craziness of the world.

Let me tell you, I haven’t been productive or happy lately. Actually, I have been on a huge struggle bus! Like it has been bad. Yes, it feels like life is ultimately cancelled right now, but I am still in charge of my day to day and my own happiness. I noticed sometime last weekend that my mood has been terrible. Like SOOOOOO bad, so I decided I needed to fix this situation.

This week, I started to implement a daily routine. I have seen my attitude change tremendously! So, here you have it

My Daily Quarantine Routine for

Productivity and Happiness

Getting Started for the day:

  1. Wake up at my normal time

    • This is seriously going to start your day off right. If our sleeping schedule is off, then everything is off. It is amazing how much our sleeping schedule and routine effects our attitude. Stop sleeping in, stop hitting snooze on days where you are supposed to be working.

  2. Open my windows and make some coffee

  3. Drink a full glass of water

    • There are so many benefits to drinking a full glass of water in the morning. I do this every morning as soon as I walk into the kitchen.

  4. Sit outside in the fresh air. Drink my coffee, stretch, be thankful, and pray.

    • Starting your day off with a thankful heart, nature, coffee, and praying is really going to set the mood for the day. Your body wants to wake up to the natural light. When you focus on the good, good things happen. So think about all the things you are thankful for. A little Jesus time is the perfect way to start the day. And Coffee cause…. duh.

  5. Get dressed and ready for the day.

    • So this is one thing I wasn’t doing and man I think it really did effect me. I started to get lazier and lazier lol. I wanted to just crawl out of bed, head to the couch, sit in a blanket, and do absolutely nothing. Honestly, that is what I did for quite a few days.

    • Getting dressed for the day and actually doing your hair is really going to help you be more productive. It might seem like a little thing, but it changes everything. You will be more productive throughout the day and your mood is going to be SO MUCH BETTER!

    • Now, I am not saying to get dressed up in office clothes or anything. I am saying just get out of your damn pajamas lol, but I mean, if you want to get dressed in office clothes freaking do your thing! Whatever helps you. Do that.

  6. Create a to-do list for the day

    • This is key my friend. You need to create a to do list, but not a daunting one. The key to this is to create a list that you actually can accomplish. Do not put 1000 things on your list that you know you won’t get done in a day. You need tangible items that you can mark off your list throughout the day.

      For example, I know that I cannot work at my day job and then write 5 blog posts in one day. It is just going to stress me out and put me in a terrible mood. I won’t feel accomplished, I will more or less feel like a failure.

      So, make a to-do list but only put 5 or so things on that list that you know you can get completed for the day.

Here are a few things that I use in the morning to get going and start my day right:


  1. Start work at my normal hour.

  2. Remember to take breaks

    • Oh man, when you are working from home you seriously forget to take breaks. Did you know that you are supposed to get up every 20 minutes and move around? Ya! I bet you typically sit down and don’t move until lunch. So, you need to take your breaks. It is overall going to help you feel like you are actually having a day outside of work, and you are going to help your body feel better and not so stiff.

  3. Eat a good lunch

  4. Take an afternoon walk in the sun, or sit on the porch in the sun

    • If there is one thing that I could remind you to do to help with your happiness and be more productive is to freaking get outside! I know that we are supposed to be self-quarantined but that doesn’t mean that we can’t enjoy some sunshine. So, take a walk or sit in the sun. Even if it is just for 5 minutes. Your body needs sun. Your mind needs nature. If you are inside all day and never getting fresh air, I am warning you now…. you will fall into some sort of sadness.

  5. Finish work at the right time!

    • I was struggling with this one. Since I am working from home it has been really easy to just continue to work. This is not a good thing! You need your own time too. I mean after all you spent your day for other people, so you need to stop work on time, turn off the computer, turn off the phone, and enjoy your evening.


  1. Put on my exercise clothes and exercise right after work is over

    • If I do not do this right after work I will not get it done. I treat my workout as if it is part of my job. I turn off my computer and go straight to my “gym” (I do home workouts so my gym is my living room)

    • You really need to move your body. It will help with your happiness which ultimately helps with your productivity. If you want to learn more about my exercise routine or join me in my virtual wellness studio I would be so freaking excited. Check out my virtual wellness studio here.

  2. Take Yota for a walk

    • NATURE! FRESH AIR! SUNSHINE! Not sure how many times I am going to say this, but I noticed that this was a key element for my happiness over this last week. Plus, Yota needs exercise too. After all she just sits on the couch all day lol.

  3. Shower

  4. Put on comfy clothes

    • It is time to start relaxing. Having an evening routine is really important too. You need to settle your mind to get ready for sleep.

  5. Cook Dinner and have a beer

  6. Do something creative

    • For me this is something that makes me happy. I am starting to do daily doodles.

    • You don’t have to do something creative if you aren’t a creative person. What I mean here is do something to relax you. Something that you love. That could be writing in your journal, reading a book, watching a movie, playing a game with your other or your kids, having family time…. anything really. Just do something that you love

  7. Stretch

    • I do this for two reasons. The first is because I am sitting most the day due to the type of job I have. So my body needs to be stretched back out. Second is because it really preps your body and mind for sleep.

  8. Go to bed on time

Here are a few things that I use at night to relax and get ready for bed:

There you have it! My quarantine routine for productivity & happiness!

I seriously feel now that we are in quarantine life we really need to have a schedule. We are at home, and it is super easy to let yourself sit on the couch in your pjs and not do anything. It is even more easy to allow yourself to get sad, anxious , or depressed when we start doing this and thinking about what is going on in the world.

My top tips to be more productive and happy during quarantine are:

Stick to your normal schedule even though you are at home

Get dressed and ready for the day

Create a to do list

Get out in nature

If you are struggling figuring out how to make this work in your daily routine here are my thoughts to create your own daily quarantine routine for productivity and happiness:

  1. Get started for the day - Have a morning routine and get ready

  2. Create a to-do list

  3. Go to work - remember to take your breaks, get some nature time, and finish work on time

  4. Get some movement in! Go on a walk, exercise, do something to move your body.

  5. Get some sun rays and nature! Make a point to do this every day.

  6. Start to relax for the evening. Do something you love to do.

  7. Stretch and go to bed on time.

How are you doing during this crazy time? Are you feeling ok? Are you loving it? Hating it? What are you struggling with? Tell me all the things by leaving a comment below.

Also, if you have any tips to be more happy and productive please please leave a comment below. I would love to hear your thoughts. This is a community to help each other!

Wishing you nothing but happiness!
