Cabbage Salsa Recipe

Summertime means salsa! I actually love salsa in the summer. It is light, cool, and refreshing!

Let me tell you the first time my sister made this I was skeptical to say it nicely. You see, I am not a try many things kinda girl. I stick to what I know. When I go to a restaurant I order the same thing every time because I know it is good and I know I will not be disappointed. For instance, I am always ordering either a club sandwich or a french dip. I know those two sandwiches are going to be delicious. When it comes to breakfast I order a chicken fried steak. I mean you just can’t go wrong with all that gravy lol.

The same goes for salsa. Salsa is made from tomatoes. End of story. Why would you make salsa with cabbage or fruit? Well, that is what I used to think until I tried this amazing cabbage salsa.

Wild and Free Butterfly Boho Coffee Mug
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Wild and Free Butterfly Boho Coffee Mug

BUT… if you are looking for the best tomato salsa check out my Mild Chunky Salsa Recipe Here.

So to be fair, this is 100% my sisters recipe. I haven’t changed anything, but I just had to share it with the world because it is so darn delicious.

So, before we get started lets talk real quick about the things you are going to need in order to even make this recipe.

  1. A good Mixing Bowl:

  2. A sharp knife

  3. Mixing spoons

  4. Cutting Board

  5. Delicious tortilla chips

Now that we have all the essentials to make our cabbage salsa lets dive into the recipe.

Cabbage Salsa Recipe


  • 1 Medium head of cabbage

  • 2 jalapenos (or canned jalapenos + the juice)

  • 2 limes

  • 1 red onion

  • 2 tomatoes

  • salt

  • pepper

Cabbage Salsa Recipe by Bessie Roaming

Don’t forget to Pin this to Pinterest so you can find it later


  1. Wash all produce

  2. Chop all vegetables (not limes) into small chunks

  3. Add all chopped vegetables into a large bowl

  4. Squeeze lime juice into bowl

  5. Add salt pepper

  6. Mix well

  7. Taste test and decide if more salt or pepper is needed.

  8. ENJOY!

This is seriously the perfect salsa for any occasion. You can also put it on street chicken tacos! If you want my street chicken taco recipe check it out here.

Have you tried this? Did you change it up at all? Comment below and let me know your thoughts!

Happy Salsa Making!


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