Banana Berry Protein Oatmeal Recipe - Protein Oats Breakfast

Banana Berry Protein Oatmeal Recipe - Protein Oats Breakfast

Food really can be healthy and taste good. I am so tired of seeing all these TikTok videos or Instagram reels with rice cakes and peanut butter, or a protein bar, or cauliflower rice and chicken. I just want yummy food that is healthy as well. I am sorry, but those things I mentioned above are just really not my jam. I like them once in a blue moon, but that is it. I don’t want to eat that every day.

This protein oatmeal is super yummy. It is one of my favorites when it comes to a healthy breakfast or when I am having one of those food days. I love tins one because of all the fruit and berries.

Protein oats are one of my go to recipes for camping, backpacking, or cold mornings. (If you are interested check out my backpacking recipes here). It is easy, yummy, healthy, and just amazing!

I constantly struggle with eating enough protein, so this is an easy way to disguise my protein powder. Speaking of adding protein into your diet, if you are struggling with getting in enough protein and are tired of making a smoothie every day you are not alone. I struggle with this on a regular basis. That is why I made an article all about it. So, make sure to check out: Protein powder recipes - how to eat more protein daily

Banana Berry Protein Oatmeal Recipe - Protein Oats Breakfast

Banana Berry Protein Oatmeal Recipe - Protein Oats Breakfast


  • 1/2 cup Oatmeal

  • 1 cup water or milk (depends on how thick you want it. I use water)

  • 1/2 scoop of vanilla protein powder

  • 1/4 cup blueberries

  • 1/4 cup strawberries

  • 1/4 cup raspberries

  • 1 sliced banana

  • Toppings: Sliced almonds, berries, sliced bananas, honey or agave syrup, and cinnamon


  1. Add oats to a bowl

  2. Cover with water

  3. Put in the microwave for 1 minute - If there is still water add 15-30 seconds until oats are cooked

  4. Add vanilla protein powder and mix well

  5. Add berries and mix

  6. Top with berries, banana slices, sliced almonds, agave syrup, and a dash of cinnamon

Serving Size: Makes 1 serving

Things you will need to make your protein oats:

The thing I love most about this recipe is all the berries. When I am not really feeling like eating oatmeal, need a healthy breakfast/lunch/snack, or just having one of those days with food, I will pick protein oatmeal just for all the berries.

Pro Tip: If you don’t have fresh fruit you can also use dried fruit or freeze dried fruit. I get my freeze dried fruit from Trader Joes and it is so yummy!

If you want more ideas on how to make protein oats make sure to check out: How to make Protein Oats - Protein Oat Recipe.

Wishing you nothing but a wonderful days and delicious food!


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