Wild Woman Quotes

I have never fit in. EVER. Like, I always tried to fit in, and yes I have some amazing friends, but I still never really fit in. No one ever understood me. When I turned 25 I really started to try and figure out who I was…. After years of soul searching I started to realize that I am a contradiction, but not in a bad way. I am unique, I think differently, and yes, it doesn’t work for alot of people. I think I make them uncomfortable for how real, blunt, and honest I am. I make them uncomfortable for how much I connect with nature, how much I really do connect with other people, and how much I truly feel and love.

Whenever I am along with someone they end up telling me their life stories and all of their woes. Did I ask for that…no, but I do love it. I love that people feel so comfortable around me, yet for some reason I feel like I make people uncomfortable. Maybe they are uncomfortable because they are so comfortable?

After alot of searching I started to realize that I am a wild wild at heart. Some would call it a wild woman. Yes, I don’t fit in with the majority of women. I am not a stereotypical woman.

  • I am feminine yet a tom boy.

  • I am compassionate yet harsh.

  • I am introverted yet extroverted.

  • I am a lover, but I hold grudges.

  • I love nature and am truly connected with it.

  • I listen to my heart and my feelings.

  • I typically go against the grain yet try to do it in a manner to not offend people.

  • I am blunt and honest.

  • I am not PC and cannot cherry coat things.

  • I feel things deeply.

  • I listen to my intuition and don’t always consider what I ‘should do’. I do what feels right in my heart.

  • I am wild. I am fierce.

Once I started to finally figure out that it is ok to be wild, to be different, to be more connected, to feel more…. I started this blog. I also started to find cool quotes all about the wild woman or people that are more wild at heart. I found out there there was actually something called the wild woman sisterhood which is just freaking awesome.

After all of this, I am still trying to figure out where I hold a place in this crazy world. I am trying to figure out who I truly am, and how I can help others. It is definitely an on going thing and something that I am constantly working on.

I would say that I am not your stereotypical wild. I am wild at heart. There is a huge difference.

With all of that, the majority of what helped me understand me, and who I was, was by ready quotes. Quotes for the Wild Woman. These quotes dug deep and really hit home so I wanted to compile a list of quotes for the wild woman. For women who feel out of place in this crazy, hectic, busy, career driven, materialistic world. This list will be ongoing and I will add to it as I find other quotes that touch my soul.

This shit sets my soul on fire.

If you want to share these images all you have to do is right click and download. Or click on the image and download it. Then you can share it to your social media. If you feel it in your soul please tag me @bessieroaming , or give me credit by linking back to this page. It really does help this little adventure of mine.

You can also pin all the images on Pinterest! Just use the Pin it button at the top left corner. P.S. I love Pinterest.

Do you have any quotes that you absolutely love? Make sure to comment below and let me know :) I will be updating this post on the regular with some of my favorite quotes, or quotes that I make myself. Quotes that touch my soul.

Wishing you nothing but wild adventures.
