Rice Water For Hair Growth - Week 1 Results

Rice Water For Hair Growth results by Bessie Roaming - have you seen the new rice water for hair growth fad? Well, I am trying it do you don't have to!!!

So, I am officially completed with Week 1 of my Rice Water For Hair Grown challenge! Yay! I applied my second round of rice water today and wanted to give you all an update, but before we do that, if you are new make sure to check out my very first post about the challenge here and how to make the rice water for hair growth:

Rice Water For Natural Hair - Thoughts and Challenge

Why I Am Trying Rice Water for Hair Growth

Now, I love long hair. I have only ever cut my hair twice. The first time I cut my hair was when I was 6. My mom took me to the barber. That barber proceeded to cut my hair into a bull cut without asking or saying anything. Yes… I looked like a little boy. My mom was pissed… and that was the last time I would ever go to the barber. The second time was when I turned 21. I wanted a different look to spice things up for my 21st birthday. I asked for layers… no length to be taken off. LOL…. ya… next thing I knew my hair was cut to my shoulders. So, needless to say, that was the last time I cut my hair. Ever since then I have only trimmed it :)

Rice Water For Hair Growth results by Bessie Roaming - have you seen the new rice water for hair growth fad? Well, I am trying it do you don't have to!!!

With all that being said, I just want to say that my hair grows incredibly slow. Like as slow as molasses. It is so bad!

So to get to the point as to why I am trying rice water for hair growth. 2020 did a number on my hair. I was super stressed out all year and my hair reflected that. I lost over 6 inches as it just kept breaking off. It was also falling out like crazy and completely thinned out. Honestly, this is the thinnest I have seen my hair since I had shingles (maybe my shingles story will be a different post?). It is also the shortest I have seen my hair since I turned 21!

With that being said, I have been doing alot to try and get it back to normal and I have been utterly failing. I saw a few posts on rice water for hair grown so I decided to try it. My goal is two fold.

  1. I want may hair to grow and if this works I will be stoked.

  2. I want to be able to give you honest feedback so you don’t waste your time on some fad / trend going around the internet.

Things you need to make Rice Water for Hair Growth

Original Length of my Hair on Week 1:

When 2020 started my hair was close to the top of my jeans. Then 2020 happened and my hair was almost to the top of my shoulder. Ya… let’s just have a quick photo recap:

Rice Water For Hair Growth results by Bessie Roaming - have you seen the new rice water for hair growth fad? Well, I am trying it do you don't have to!!!

Now lets talk about how I measure my hair before I give you the length. My hair is curly. Curly hair has a mind of its own. I am not lying. Some days it is crazy curly which makes it much shorter than normal. Other days it doesn’t want to curl much at all which obviously makes it much longer than normal. So, I figured the only way I could provide you with a true and accurate representation of the rice water I needed to measure it wet and straight. So that is what I am going to do each week to give you the most accurate results.

Starting on day one of this challenge my hair was 14 inches long. Yep, 14 inches even. That makes it easy :)

My Weekly Hair Routine:

Here is what I am doing on a weekly and daily basis:

  1. Rice water 2 times / week

  2. Wash my hair 2 time / week . Typically I wash my hair once a week; however, the rice water smells and I just can’t stand it so I have to wash it to get rid of the smell.

  3. Rarely brush my hair. I typically use my fingers. If I do brush my hair I am using a wide mouth comb.

  4. I take a shower daily and get my hair wet almost daily because I sweat way too much during my workouts lol.

  5. I am taking 1 scoop of collagen every day. I have been doing this since October.

  6. I have been taking biotin on a daily basis as well. I have done this for years.

  7. I spray my Mermaid Hair Mist on my hair everyday once or twice a day. This is an all natural hair care product that I make myself. Check it out here :)

Thoughts about my first rice water rinse:

So, I have two major things that we need to talk about:

  1. It is the worst smelling thing. Actually , that is a gross exaggeration, but it smells so bad. It is fermented rice water so you should expect it to smell fermented. In order to fix this, I added lavender essential oil to the water to help mask the smell. I am not going to lie, I actually gagged. Now, I rarely gag. I consider myself pretty strong when it comes to gross things. Normally they don’t effect me, but good lord this stuff was rank!

  2. the next one is to make sure you get yourself a spray bottle that is an hand pump rather than a finger pump. Holy crap! Your finger is going to get freaking tired. Here are my suggestions:

My results for week one of the rice water for hair growth:

Dude I kinda don’t even want to tell you my results because I don’t want to get my hopes up, but being open, honest, and transparent here it goes.

Before I started rice water my hair was 14” long. One week after applying rice water my hair was 14.25” meaning my hair grew .25”. Like seriously? is this for real?

I am not at all going to get my hopes up, because this is only one week into the challenge. Let’s hold off before we get too excited. If you are wanting real results, wait for week 2 or week 3. I think that will give you a much better idea if rice water for hair growth actually works.

Rice Water For Hair Growth results by Bessie Roaming - have you seen the new rice water for hair growth fad? Well, I am trying it do you don't have to!!!
Rice Water For Hair Growth results by Bessie Roaming - have you seen the new rice water for hair growth fad? Well, I am trying it do you don't have to!!!
Rice Water For Hair Growth results by Bessie Roaming - have you seen the new rice water for hair growth fad? Well, I am trying it do you don't have to!!!

Considerations for next week:

Well, I think the two things mentioned above are uber important. Make sure you use a spray bottle that has a hand pump rather than a finger pump. Then use some sort of essential oil to mask the disgusting smell of fermented rice.

The other thing that I am going to start in Week 2 is to apply the rice water twice a week. I only applied it once during week 1, but started to read that you should be applying it 2 times per week.

So, have you tried rice water for hair growth or are you thinking about trying it? Comment below! I would love to hear your experience with it, or your questions about starting!

Wishing you nothing but amazing days and beautiful hair!


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