MM100 Results - Halfway Completed

Ohhhh man oh man oh man! I can’t believe I am already half way through the MM100 workout program! Seriously thought, where does the time go?

So, today I wanted to just give an update on my journey, where I am mentally / confidence level, and my overall thoughts.

Make sure to save this one on Pinterest:

MM100 Results - Halfway Completed - By Bessie Roaming. I decided to jump into the MM100 workout program and I am halfway through! Yay! Wanted to share my results and thoughts so far.

My Journey With MM100 So Far

This is actually my second time with MM100 workout routine. The first time I did the workout program it was amazing. This was back in the fall of 2019. I felt so amazing, I actually saw results, and I noticed how much my mindset was changing.

Then 2020 happened and things went a little sideways. During the fall, I really needed a change and I really needed to get back on track with my health and fitness routine. I debated on what program I was going to dive into and figured why not pick the program that I absolutely loved and the one where I saw results? So MM100 workout program it was!

So what is the MM100 workout program anyways?

Well, it is a workout program that is full of 100 workouts. The awesome thing about this program is that it is 100 workouts and you can take them at your own pace! It is a variety of cardio exercises, weight lifting, boxing, and flexibility/ recovery. The workouts are anywhere from 25-30 minutes which work perfect for me as I run 2 businesses (this one and my photography one) and I have a full time career that I work anywhere from 10-14 hours a day.

Here is the description from Beach Body:

Morning Meltdown 100 is the first Beachbody program designed to be done in the morning, so you can head into your day feeling stronger and more accomplished. Commit to 100 workouts, and Beachbody Super Trainer Jericho McMatthews will get you fired up to melt away fat and build your strongest body.

MM100 Results Halfway Completed

My goal was to do at least one workout a day. This way I would complete the workout program in 100 days, but honestly, I ultimately wanted to be able to complete it sooner than 100 days. So far that hasn’t happened. Actually I am 4 workouts behind so I need to catch up a little bit.

As far as results go, I didn’t do this for muscle gain or weight loss. I did it to find myself, to gain confidence, to feel better, to be in a better place mentally. You see… this whole fitness journey, this whole wellness thing is all about feeling better, gaining confidence, and helping other people. If I lose weight that would be awesome. I am not going to lie, I have had 10lbs that I wanted to get rid of for about 3 years. It goes away sometimes and sometimes it comes back. So, if it were to go away I would be stoked!

As of today (halfway through the program) I have lost 2 pounds. I didn’t measure my waist or anything, but I am taking progress photos. The photos below from left to right are my starting photos vs. my current photo from workout 50.

MM100 Results - Halfway Completed - By Bessie Roaming. I decided to jump into the MM100 workout program and I am halfway through! Yay! Wanted to share my results and thoughts so far.
MM100 Results - Halfway Completed - By Bessie Roaming. I decided to jump into the MM100 workout program and I am halfway through! Yay! Wanted to share my results and thoughts so far.
MM100 Results - Halfway Completed with the Workout Program - By Bessie Roaming. I decided to jump into the MM100 workout program and I am halfway through! Yay! Wanted to share my results and thoughts so far.

My Mental State and Confidence Level

As of today I am feeling amazing! I am getting so much stronger (I have increased my weights), and I am starting to feel so much better in my own skin. I actually have started to work out in my sports bra with no shirt on! I even looked in the mirror a couple of times while I was working out. It might sound incredibly silly, but this is huge for me. I rarely even look in the mirror and I haven’t worked out in just a sports bra like hardly ever. These little things are why I started this program and I am so excited to start finding my happy again.

My mental state is improving on a daily basis.

Overall Thoughts on the MM100 Workout Program

I am obsessed with this program. I really am. I love the the variety of the workouts and the length of the workouts are awesome too. They fit perfectly into my crazy busy schedule :)

This program has really started to get me back on track and really started to help me find my happy.

So What is Next?

I have 50 more workouts to do that is what!!!

So are you ready to recommit with me? Are you ready to start kicking some ass? Lets freaking do this friend! Make sure to send me a message or go out and fill out this form here so we can work out together! I would so love to include you in my accountability group because let me tell you the accountability group has honestly changed everything for me.

I seriously cannot wait to see what the remainder 50 workouts have in store.

If you have any questions about what I am doing comment below :) I would love to chat with you!


MM100 Results - Halfway Completed - By Bessie Roaming. I decided to jump into the MM100 workout program and I am halfway through! Yay! Wanted to share my results and thoughts so far.