My SITFU Product Line - Something I have always wanted to make!

Oh man have I been wanting to create this goodness for years!!!

It all started one day when I was backpacking, but eventually went farther back into my life and past traumas… so lets dive into why SITFU is so incredibly important to me..

  1. My first backpacking experience

  2. I lost my boyfriend to suicide

  3. I started trying to better myself as a human. I have failed, but I keep trying….

  4. Everytime I failed

  5. Adulting on a regular basis

  6. And so many more times where you have to just breath and SITFU

So, what is SITFU?

  • It is getting up and trying again even though you keep failing

  • It is grinding ...

  • it is fucking killing it some days, failing others, but trying again the next

  • It is doing something you don't want to do because you know it is best for yourself and your people

  • it is starting from scratch for the ump teenth time.

  • It is because you are amazing and you will conquer anything you set your mind you as long as you SITFU.

It stands for :


Travel Mug - SITFU
SITFU Key Chain
Womens Cropped Hoodie - SITFU

Some people might find offense to that. Some might take it a little personal. Some might take it as an attack…. baby it is none of those.

It is motivation and encouragement. It is meant to help you. It is a mindset. A way of being. A decision.

You have to decide to not let the world conquer you. You have to decide not to let the world bring you down. You have to decide to come out on top no matter how hard it is to get there.

Baby… you have to decide to suck it the fuck up.

You area a beast! You can fucking do anything you put your mind to. You just have to decide to do it. To SITFU no matter how hard it gets. To just keep fucking going baby.

You can find the entire SITFU line Here

I love you. You can do anything you put your mind to.
