How to make a simple outdoor vegetable garden

So I have tried and tried and tried to make gardens, grow veggies, and ultimately have failed. I have tried indoor gardens and outdoor gardens. Nothing has worked. Ultimately, I ended up spending alot of money and got absolutely nothing in return other than dead plants :(

Well, this year, my mom decided to make her own raised vegetable garden. It looks amazing and I was super inspired so I decided I wanted to try again. I was at a loss on how to create a nice garden box. Where do I even start? My mind gets all crazy and goes a bit complicated. I began to think that I needed nails, hammers, a table saw, brackets, and so forth. Starting to feel overwhelmed I almost gave up, but them my mom showed me something super awesome and simple that can be found at Lowes!

I feel like I found the absolute easiest way to make a vegetable garden so I just had to share it with you!!! I am so excited to show you this, because if you are anything like me and have wanted to give up, I don’t want you to give up of feel defeated! Everyone should have a vegetable garden if they want one and the thought of making a raised garden bed shouldn’t stop you.

Ok so what is this simple magical thing that my mom found at Lowe’s? Well they are Oldcastle cement corner blocks! Check out the image to the left. I have added the link to the Lowe’s page (this is not promoted at all).

All you need is 8 of these bad boys and some lumber! You put the wood into the slots and BOOM! Raised garden bed made! How simple is that!!!

So let’s dive a little deeper on what you are going to need and how to make it.

What you are going to need to make a simple raised garden bed:

  1. Lumber

  2. 8 Corner blocks for the garden

  3. gardening soil

Ok, so first things first. You need to figure out what size you want your simple garden bed to be. For me, it really depended on where I wanted my garden beds. That determined the size of the beds. For me, the other thing that determined the size was that I didn’t want to have to cut any wood to size so I kept it simple. I made my measurements around the property to where I had a couple options. I knew the smallest size I wanted and the largest size I wanted. So figure all of that out first and make sure to write it down, because honestly once you get to the store you are going to forget.

Once you figure out the length and width now it is time to head to Lowe’s to get your supplies. You are going to need 2 pieces of lumbar for the long side, 2 pieces of lumber for the short sides, and then 8 of those magical corner pieces.

Also, don’t forget your garden soil! The amount of soil depends on how big your garden bed is going to be. My garden bed is L x W x H and I needed about 9 packages of soil that were 2 cubic yards each. It was alot let me tell you what.

Once you get all your things at the store you are ready to head back home and start building! Here is how mine turned out:

Now, what if you don’t have any property around your place? Maybe you have an apartment and a balcony, or patio. I found some pretty cool things on Amazon that would totally work. I wish I would have know about these things when I lived in my apartment:

Now, if you don’t want to make a garden bed there are so so so many alternatives! Again, I wish I would have know this earlier! I would have definitely had a garden a lot sooner than this past summer. So check these super cool options out:

Aren’t those some cool options???!!!!! I seriously am so impressed with how many easy options there are to make an outdoor vegetable garden.

I think I am going to start making this a series. I want to share with you my journey to gardening. I share all sorts of other things so why not this too right? I am thinking I can help share my victories and my mistakes. This way you won’t make the same mistakes that I am making :)

So if you are interested make sure to follow along by joining the tribe :)

If you have any gardening tips, questions, or so forth comment below. I would love to hear from you!!
