Paddle Boarding For Beginners - What To Pack For Paddle Boarding

Paddle Boarding For Beginners - What To Pack For Paddle Boarding

I was so confused when I started looking into paddle boarding. I started doing some research and honestly just wanted to give up. It was all so overwhelming.

Prices varied like crazy, then there were the dimensions, the different places to get a paddle board, and all the things. Everyone explaining that their board was the best for X reasons….

I almost gave up.

Then I decided that I was going to try to make it simple. I wanted a paddle board to go enjoy the water. That was it. I didn’t need to spend thousands of dollars, but I still wanted to make sure I got something nice and something that would work for me.

If this sounds like you at all then you made it to the right place. I am here trying to make deciding on a paddle board a bit easier and less stressful!

Paddle Boarding For Beginners -

What To Pack For Paddle Boarding

Ok, now lets go over all things paddle boarding!

Types of Paddle Boards:

Ok, so trying to figure out what paddle board to get was the most stressful part. The price range is crazy. You can find paddle boards for $150 and then you can find some for well over $2000. I get pretty stressed when trying to figure this all out. So, lets dive in real quick to what are the types of paddle boards and the differences.

Types of Paddle Boards:

Solid Paddle Boards – These are great because they don’t take any time to set up, they are a bit more stable, and are less effort to paddle; however, storage and travel is a bit difficult.

Inflatable Paddle Boards – This is what I have. These are super comfy because they are softer. They are also easy to store and travel with which is awesome! You can even take them hiking if you want to carry the weight. Now the bad thing about them is that you have to inflate them which can take A LOT of time if you are using a hand pump. They can also, obviously, pop if you aren’t careful with them.

Paddle Boarding For Beginners - What To Pack For Paddle Boarding

Dimensions differences:

This is the main thing to consider when looking at paddle boards (at least this is really what helped me because I already knew that I wanted an inflatable board). You are going to want to look at weight and capacity, length, thickness, and width.

When looking at weight make sure to calculate the total weight of your board. This includes you, your gear, your food, and most importantly your pets! As you know I bring my doggos with me. I typically have 2 Boston Terriers on my board which is about 40 lbs. That is going to make a difference! The reason you want to make sure you are accommodating the right weight is so your board will sit right on the water and you will be able to paddle easily.

As far as length goes, paddle boards come in 3 lengths :

1.       Short boards (under 10’) – These are best for kids or surfing

2.      Medium boards (10-12’) – These are best for everyday paddling like what I do. More just for fun, no competition or anything like that. Just getting out on the water and having a good time.

3.       Long boards (12’ + ) – These are best for competition, fitness paddling, and long distances.

When looking at width typical SUPs, Stand Up Paddles, are made in widths ranging from 25” - 36”. This will be able to accommodate a variety of needs. When you choose a width, you are going to want to think about the type of paddling you are going to do. Also, the wider the board the more stable the board will be.

After all of that you are going to want to consider thickness. I found a good article on REI and they explain it so well:

After finding a board with the length and width that makes the most sense for you and your paddling style, consider a third factor: board thickness.

The main reason to consider the thickness of a stand up paddle board is because of how it affects the overall volume and weight capacity. If you’re looking at two boards of the same length and width but different thicknesses, the thicker board has more volume than the thinner one and the higher the volume, the more weight it can support.

What Paddle Board Should You Buy?

I really need to start off this section with everyone is different and everyone has different needs, desires, and price range. You really need to consider what you are going to use the paddle board for. Are you going to surf, ride the rapids along the river, compete, or just go and enjoy the lake with friends? This is going to determine if you want a solid or inflatable board. It will also determine the dimensions of your board.

For me, I wanted to just test it out. I didn’t want to spend too much money because I really didn’t even know if I was going to like it. I also, figured paddling on the lake was more my jam since I have never surfed and don’t plan on competing. This led me to a very standard board which is 10.6’x32”x6” . I then did a bit of research on which one to buy and thought about my budget. I ended up with the one pictured to the right. I felt like it wasn’t too cheap and wasn’t too expensive either. Plus it came with all the things: a paddle, dry bag, fin, pump, etc.

What To Pack For Paddle Boarding / Paddle Boarding Gear:

Here is a list of all the gear I bring while out paddle boarding (and links to my exact gear that I use on a regular basis):

1.Your Paddle Board

2. Leash

the paddle boards typically come with a leash. This way your board will stay close to you if you fall off.

3. Waterproof bag

This will keep all of your gear nice, dry, and protected while you are out enjoying the water.

4. Drinks

Make sure to bring plenty of water. You are in fact in the heat, in the sun, with the sun reflecting off the water, and you are exercising! You will get dehydrated if you are out there for any amount of time so bring yourself some water. Also, bring other enjoyable drinks that you would want.

5. Drink holders

I use these ones. They are amazing and hold a variety of sizes. This way you don’t have to worry about losing your drink while paddling.

6. Phone with waterproof case

You are going to want your phone to take pictures, take videos, and to use in case of an emergency. You will definitely need the waterproof case in order to not damage your phone.

7. Sunscreen

8. Snacks

9. Lip Balm

10. Waterproof speaker

So you are going to want 2 things with a speaker. You need it to be waterproof and you will want it to have a clip on it. This way you can clip it to your board and not have to worry about losing the speaker. After all, they aren’t cheap so make sure you get the clip one!

11. Comfortable swim suit

I get all my swimsuits from Aerie / American Eagle. I love that place and the suits are so dang comfy!

12. Along sleeve in case you burn easily

13. Sunglasses

I personally use either big aviators or some sort of sport glasses. You want to make sure that you are protecting your eyes so make sure there is an actual tint to them rather than clear glasses. Your eyes can get a sunburn.

14. Sun hat

15. Hair Ties

16. Sandals or Water shoes

What to Wear Paddle Boarding:

You are most likely going to get wet while paddle boarding so make sure to avoid cotton unless you don’t mind your clothes being dripping wet all day. Assuming that you are going when it is warm you are going to want:

  1. Quick drying layers

  2. Comfortable swimsuit or wet suit

  3. Sunscreen

  4. A long sleeve in case you burn easily

  5. Sunglasses

  6. Sun hat

  7. Sandals or water shoes that won’t fall off. Personally, I love my Teva’s.

There you have it my friends! Paddle boarding for beginners. What Wishing you nothing but beautiful, fun days on the lake!
